Monday, August 16, 2010

Wow, today is who knows when about 5:00 and I have no idea what to talk about and there is nothing going on. Well today im at home i just had a glass of milk and got super bored im kind on facebook but becca is in moon mode lol. (Becca is my best friend we talk about everything and never keep secrets from eachother) I think she is going to leave tonight or tommorrow for levingworth. i dont know what or where it is but I dont really care. So we are having a party on the 27 if your a friend its at my house 6-12 its gonna be so much fun. Brianna, me, shianne, and lakoda are all hosting it we have SO many people coming its gonna be awsome. So im gonna go but Ill get back on later if I have something to tell you.ily byeeeeeeeee

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Oh goodness you never notice how loud children are in tell you alone with them. I mean really gosh two preteen boys and three immature teen girls. :) Goodness sakes why did my mom think ditching us all in the rec room was a good idea??????? WOW there was ac ally a second of quiet for a bit ether that or I'm going deaf. I'm probably going deaf lol. :) So there have been some issues in my family and well its alot so ive been more stressed then a teen should be. So i dont know what to do????? Any ideas people?????? Sorry i really dont know what to say on this ok well im gonna go ill try to get on tommorrow but if i dont, dont be dissapointed.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Hello today I am at my grandmothers and my Aunt Kay is up here in washington. Last week i was in California. I had a great time and we went to magic mountain. The rides were amazing and it was so fun i wish we lived down there. Brianna is super upset because my mom did something evil she made Brianna and her boyfriend break up. I think that was just rude and mean i mean she said they were getting to serious but its not like my mom never got serious with a boyfriend before. Brianna is very mad about it and i don't think it was fair. Who knows what my mom is thinking altho she has been getting stressed lately its still rude. I haven't really been the same for a while i feel kinda stressed. But i shouldn't complain I have life pretty easy. I died my hair red and i think its really pretty. The only thing Im worried about is the guy i like hasn't seen it and i really hope he likes it. Wanna know what i hate, when i like a guy AND i flirt with him and he is not showing any signs that he likes me back. Well he kinda is but he flirts with so many girl i cant tell if Im just one of them or if he likes me. Guys are so confusing and one word of advice to any guys who read this if you like a girl tell her because if she is showing any sign then theres a good chance she likes you too. I mean for goodness sakes its taking way to long i don't wanna wait around forever. So hurry up with it. Well i'm gonna go but i hope to be back soon i got a laptop for my bday so i will be able to get on more. Ok i love you all who actually take time to read my blog thank you bye.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

I would also like to let you know that we got a poodle. It is utterly cute and we love her. She is the cutest dog ever.

love you guys



just to let you know
7Th grade SUCKS completely
homework its piling up and the teachers are mean and utterly horrible.
just wanted to let you know that i hated it and it sucks

Friday, October 9, 2009

im loving life
i had dinner at my grandparents house
it was amazing my aunt did a great job
if your reading this i love you aunt kay

i I'm back, and yes i didn't die. But i did indeed have a good time a church
see you all there
love always
